Silly Superheroes

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Fun lists of silly superheroes, funny powers, serious powers, and outrageous scenarios for drama class.

Are you ready to be the favorite teacher in your school? You and your students will LOVE these lists of silly superheroes, funny special powers, and outrageous scenarios.

Included are:
  • Eight ways to use the lists with your drama students.
  • List of 33 silly superhero names
  • 33 funny superhero powers
  • 33 serious superhero powers
  • 33 superhero scenarios

Superhero Skits
Divide students into groups of three or four. Let each group choose one superhero name, one superpower, and one scenario. Students must perform a short skit that includes all characters. One quick way to make this exercise a success is to appoint one player as a reporter on the street who gives a ‘news report’ about the crisis at hand. This player can also act as a narrator as the scene unfolds.

Superhero name: Bubble Wrap Man
Superhero Power: Can clone himself
Superhero Scenario: It’s literally raining cats and dogs.

More superhero-themed titles:

Superhero Drama Lesson Plan
Superhero Drama Games and Activities
Superhero Character Worksheet and Costume Design
Super Me Superhero-themed Play Script
Superhero Rejects Superhero-themed Play Script
Kid Superheroes on the Rise Superhero-themed Play Script
Superhero Scenes for Pairs
Defective Heroes Anonymous

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The site is packed with original, innovative lessons and activities that you will not find anywhere elseā€”and new materials are added monthly.

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