Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-Puppy Love

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2 characters. 2F. 8 pages. A funny, warm comedy for teens and adults written by Corrina Bryant.

Puppy Love is a comedy about two friends, a new love interest, and one major mix-up.  When Tiffany and Sally meet for coffee on a Saturday morning in town, Sally informs Tiffany that she’s found a new love.  Tiffany is thrilled for her at first, given Sally’s past misfortunes with men, but she soon becomes increasingly concerned as Sally continues. Is it infatuation, PTSD, or just one HUGE misunderstanding? The confusion and exasperation leads to wacky comedy in this play for teens and adults!

Corrina Bryant is a freelance writer living in London.  She has written for radio, magazines, local and national press and media websites.  Corrina has written plays for the Director’s Cut Theatre Company showcase at the Southwark Playhouse in London, as well as written for professional actors performing at fringe theatres in the city.  She is currently writing a novel for teenagers/young adults and is delighted to be writing for Drama Notebook.  She wishes all the students and teachers every success in their work and would love to hear from them.

Excerpt from the play:



(Tiffany and Sally are friends meeting for a coffee and a bit of shopping on a Saturday morning in town. Tiffany is sitting down flicking through a magazine when Sally walks in.)

Hey babes. How are you?

I‘m good – actually I’m better than good, I’m bloody fantastic!

Flippin eck! Go on, tell all


What? For real? Who with?

Oh my God, I swear, I’m that excited, I can barely sleep. I feel like a kid on Christmas eve. Honestly Tiff, I never thought I’d feel this happy

Nor did I! I’m surprised you’ve not been put off men for life!

(Laughing) Yeah well, let’s not waste our breath talking about that – this is a different kind of love. This is real love!

So when did you meet him? Fill me in

Meet her. It’s a she

(Choking) What?

It’s a she, not a he.

But, since when? I mean, I know I said about being off men .…, but I was joking! So what you’re (looks around making sure no one is listening) into girls now?

I wasn’t sure to begin with, but then I realised, they have a way nicer personality and are much prettier.

Yeah but, isn’t it a bit more complicated than that?

Why? Look the boy/girl thing doesn’t bother me, the fact is I have found ‘the one’ Tiffany
Where? Where did you meet her?

Online. I saw an ad, we met up and we hit if off.

Have you really thought about this? I mean you could just be, you know, ‘on the rebound’?

I’m positive. She’s moving in, in a couple of weeks.

Moving in! Sally don’t you think you’re rushing things?

No, I’m ready. I’m lonely and I could do with the company.

But you’ve got me!

You’re my best mate Tiff and I love you, I really do – don’t worry not in that way! But it’s not the same as having someone there when you get in from work, there in the morning. Someone to go walking with, go on holiday with.

Since when have you liked walking?

It’s my new thing! I’ve even bought some trainers and a cagoule.

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